January 2022 Guidance

This month is asking each of us to stand in the core of who we are. This means to emanate our own core essence or personal energy vortex from within and not match that of those around us or the collective at large. At our core, we powerful creator beings who are here on Earth right now because we chose to be here and we’re brave enough to be here. Feel into that kind of responsibility but also the sense of excitement and adventure underneath it.  

To manifest anything in 2022 we need to start with embodying our role as a creator beings who are fully aware of this fact, and acknowledging how powerful we are, but also how worthy we all are to create and receive. 

If you want to see big shifts this year, look at what you’re still afraid to embody or have any resistance to. The truth is this year isn’t about what anyone can predict for us, it’s who we choose to be and who emerges when we heal ourselves, and the choices we make will determine what we align with. Whether it’s a major life decision or choosing to feel a certain emotion, everything we do from this moment on needs to be intentional. Walk this planet like an intentional creator and not a background player. This is your movie, but you’re also watching, directing, editing, and starring in it at the same time. You’re also the film and the camera and the screen. Now that’s a lot of roles, but that’s what being a multidimensional being is all about. 


February 2022 Guidance


December 2021 Guidance